Saying your librarian is your resource of the month may sound a little self-important but that's not the purpose here. The point is to let you know that i, and several other research and instruction librarians, are here for
you. Here's what we can do to help you through paper writing season:
- Show you the best places and methods to find resources for your paper;
- Provide tips for keeping track of all your resources in a meaningful way that will save you time during the writing process;
- Introduce you to some handy citation management tools;
- Provide guidance on citation style and direct you to a couple other useful citation resources.
There's a ton of other things that we do and can help you out with but who has the time right now to read it all? :) Instead i'll keep this resource of the month posting short and remind you that us research and instruction librarians all come with a subject master degree and a master degree in library science, so we know what you're going through and have a lot of experience making it easier.
Contact me directly at, stop by the Research Help Desk, use the library's chat option (on our
homepage), or
request a research consultation.
Good luck!